In the story The House on Mango Street, the section known as “Hips” could use symbolism to illustrate the theme of Maturity. In this section of the story, Esperanza and her friends are growing up, shown by the conversation the girls had. Mean while Nenny, who is to young to know, doesn’t really understand what they are talking about. In the story starts to show maturity when she states,” They bloom like roses, I continue because it’s obvious I”m the only who can speak with any authority;I have science on my side. The bones just one day open . Just like that. One day you might decide to have kids, and then where are you going to put them? Got to have room. Bones got to give” (Cisneros 50). At this moment, hips are the best symbolism to show maturity, because they know that their bodies are forming but they don’t know why they have them. The girls are at the age where they are starting to understand some stuff, but they are not mature enough to understand it all. At this point they are just a bunch of girls that are jump roping and talking about hips. They won’t truly understand until later what they were actually talking about. They don’t have the mental maturity to know what they are talking about. It is funny that Esperanza thinks she knows what she is talking about, but in reality she has no idea. The girls will eventually know what they are talking about, but right now they haven’t experienced anything about what they are talking about, they most likely herd older women talking about it.