Why are animal dissections used in school?
I think the reason we use animal dissections in school, is to have more of a hands on experience with animals and their parts. It is also a fun experience to have. It could also benefit with school research what way is better for kids to learn. That is the reasoning behind my thought, ” Why schools use animal dissections.”
Spring Semester Project
I learned about weight displacement for a car. The weight placement in the back of a car affects it the most. this is because when it was at the top of the ramp it had its highest velocity. I liked that that we were working in groups first off, but I liked how the project was set u[ as well. I wish I knew more about weight placement.
Mount Kilauea
Mount Kilauea is a volcano in Hawaii, on the island of Hawaii. This volcano was formed by a hot spot under the ground that contains a lot of magma. This volcano started erupting in 1953. The volcano stopped erupting in 1973 due to an earthquake. On January 3,1983, it started erupting again, and has been erupting ever since. I predict in the future that the volcano will continue to erupting unless a greater force than it acts on the volcano. In millions of years I predict that it will keep erupting to make the island bigger, and make the volcano bigger itself. It will due this by continuing the flow of magma coming from the top of the volcano.
How I Think the Universe Was Created
I think that God created Earth and the Universe.It took God six days to make the Earth and then the seventh day was for resting.This day is known to be the worship day. I think he first created it by creating Earth itself. Then he added light to all of Earth. Then he created land and sea. He created all plants grass and animals. He created animals of the sea, animals of the land,and animals of the sky. The next day he rested, and that day is today called Sunday,the last day of the week.
What really happens in a chemical reaction?
In a chemical reaction things happen such as temperature change,a different odor ,color change,bubbling and more. It happens when one or more chemicals react and become a whole different adam. When there is a chemical reaction taking place there has to be one or more elements combining because they mix.
Lab Safety
Lab safety is not only in portant for your protection but for otherts to.Lab safety is following the directions and the presedure that the teacher says ,and wearing everything that you need for safety such as goggles, pulling your sleeves up on your shirt and more.If you are going to smell a chemical dont lean over the chemical and sniff it because that could mess up your nose, and it could mess up your breathing becuase you are getting all of those chemicals in to your lungs.
encase of fire contact a teacher before you try to put it out yourself. If someone else is on fire get the fire blanket and put it over them, becuase the blanket wont let oxygen through and the carbon dioxide will put the fire out.
If there is broken glass dont get down and pick it up contact the teacher so they can come and sweep it up.